
Rankin Physiotherapy

Facial Palsy Rehabilitation - Vancouver, British Columbia

Facial Neuromuscular Retraining Therapists

Following the Advanced Facial Neuromuscular Retraining course last weekend, I am excited to introduce the four new advanced trained facial therapists in Metro Vancouver.

New FNR Therapists

From left to right:

Catherine Chan; who will see patients at GFStrong and Neuromotion,

Maria Zerjav; treating facial patients at Westside Physiotherapy and Hand clinic,

Amy Tao; working out of Cedar Chiropractic and Physiotherapy in Burnaby,

Sarah Hearne; from St. Paul’s Hospital and a private clinic downtown.

Please add Catherine, Maria, Amy and Sarah to your list of facial therapists in BC.

5 Things About Hearing Loss

Hearing LossIt is hard to explain to others what it is like to have hearing loss — the lack of clarity in speech, the sensitivity to loud noise, and the exhaustion that comes with heavy bursts of communication. It is an invisible disability so it is often misunderstood, downplayed or even ignored — sometimes even by those closest to you. But it can have a huge impact on your life, and the lives of those who love you.

Shari Eberts

Five Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Hearing Loss

Facial Nerve Clinic Referrals

The second Facial Nerve Clinic at St. Paul’s hospital was held on November 25th and was fully booked. If you’re interested in attending the next clinic, it will be held in February 2016.

In order to book into the clinic, your doctor needs to refer you to Dr. Van Laeken’s office at 604-669-1633. Dr. Van Laeken is a plastic surgeon who specializes in the facial nerve and heads the Facial Nerve Clinic.

This clinic is a teaching clinic so there will be medical students, interns, residents and physiotherapy students attending at different times.

Facial Nerve Clinic Update

Vancouver Facial Nerve Clinic

The first Facial Nerve clinic at St. Paul’s hospital was held on August 26, 2015. 11 patients were seen by Dr. Van Laeken, an ENT fellow, 2 medical students and myself.

At the clinic facial patients have the opportunity to be assessed and then have the best course of action recommended for their facial palsies.

The next clinic will be held on November 25, from 8am to 12 pm.
