
Rankin Physiotherapy

Facial Palsy Rehabilitation - Vancouver, British Columbia

Acoustic Neuroma: Possible Signs

acoustic neuroma symptomsSuspect Acoustic Neuroma if any of the following persist:

1) One-sided hearing loss

2) Balance problems

3) Facial numbness, tingling, spasms

4) Headaches

5) Dizziness

6) Visual problems

7) Tinnitus

More Appointment Times

appointment times
Rankin Physiotherapy has added a new block of appointment times on Wednesdays from 10 to 1pm. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesdays or Fridays for your facial and vestibular concerns.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Certification

emory-crestLocated in Atlanta Georgia, Emory University offers advanced training and professional certification in the field of Vestibular Therapy. It is home to the Emory University Dizziness and Balance Centre.

Susan Rankin travelled to the University of Southern California where Emory’s faculty delivered their intensive, one-week training program. Candidates were trained and assessed in the theory and practice of Vestibular Rehabilitation.  After a very demanding week of study and assessment Susan successfully completed the program and received her certification in Vestibular Rehabilitation. 

Vestibular Competency Certification Course

vestibular competency certification courseIn 2013 I successfully completed the Emory University Vestibular Competency Certification course.

It was held for the first time at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

The weather was beautiful but honestly there was little time to enjoy the California climate as the six days were packed with lectures, practicums and testing. The faculty are very experienced; they guided us along in our quest for knowledge in this complex area of treatment. I have new tests, new treatments and new energy for this area of practice.
